英米文学研究(2)(大学院) レポート (H22-6-14)

The Voyage by Washington Irvingを一つのverse として分析する。









  (1)   人生のメタファーとしての書物

(a blank page in existence)みたいなもので、新しい
I had closed one volume of the world and its concerns, and had time for
  meditation, before I opened another.

 ところで、第13連では、「航海について空想を逞しくして、一巻の書物をなすほどだ(I might fill a volume
  with the reveries of a sea voyage, for with me it is almost a continual reverie)


(darting like a specter, through blue waters)」とか、「とりとめのない形をした怪物ども
(the shapeless monsters that lurk among the very foundation of the earth)」などと




 第6連 船舶の存在を評価する個所である。

     What a glorious monument of human inventions; which

                 -- has in a manner triumphed over wind and waves;

          -- has established an interchange of blessings, pouring into the sterile regions of
       the north all the luxuries of the south,

          -- has diffused the light of knowledge and the charities of cultivated life;

          -- and has thus bound together those scattered portions of the human race.

 第7連 無人の漂流船のまわりについた海草などについて

     Clusters of shell-fish had fastened about it,

              and long seaweeds flaunted at its sides.


     What sighs have been wafted after that ship!

             What prayers offered up at the deserted fireside of home!

     How often has the mistress, the wife, the mother, pored over the daily news, to catch some
   casual intelligence of this rover of the deep!


  第10連 嵐の夜の船の甲板

       Her yards would dip into the water:

         her bow was almost buried beneath the waves.

 (4)頭韻Alliteration)と ... ing の頻用


  10連 a fearful, sullen sound of rushing waves, and broken surges;

           the wild waste of waters;

           the ship staggering and plunging among these roaring caverns;

   第11連 The whistling of the wind through the rigging sounded like funeral wailings.
        The creaking of the masts, the straining and groaning of bulkheads, as the ship labored
        in the weltering sea, were frightful.

              As I heard the waves rushing along the sides of the ship, and roaring in my very ear,
       it seemed as if Death were raging round this floating prison, seeking for his prey:
       the mere starting of a nail, the yawning of a seam, might give him entrance.

   ここでは、floating prison などメタファーもいくつか合わせて使っているし、… ing の形容詞などの



   a faint voice;

          only breathed a wish;
     At the sound of his voice, her eye darted on his features; it read, at once, a whole volume of sorrow;
     she crashed her hands, uttered a faint shriek, and stood writhing them in silent agony.

     他方、色については、第3連の the last blue line of my native land と第5連の shark darting,
    like a specter, through the blue waters


行数 内容 表現技法等
1 13 ヨーロッパへ船旅するアメリカ人の心境。 the vast space of waters that separates the hemispheres
is like a blank page in existence. (metaphor)
2 14 陸続きの旅と違い、大洋を横断する船旅は
we drag "a lengthening chain," at each remove of our
pilgrimage; …But a wide sea voyage severs us at once.
It makes us conscious of being cast loose from the secure
anchorage of settled life, and sent adrift upon a doubtful
world. (metaphor)
3 13 したがって、ヨーロッパへの船旅は旅人に絶好の
it seemed as if I had closed one volume of the world and
its concerns, and had time for meditation, before I opened
another.(metaphor) What vicissitudes might occur in it --
what changes might take place in me, before I should visit
it again! Who can tell, when he sets forth to wander, whither
he may be driven by the uncertain currents of existence;
or when he may return; or whether it may ever be his lot
to revisit the scenes of his childhood? (metaphor)
4 13 大洋の只中で何ものにも遮られない海と空を眺め
to one given to day-dreaming, and fond of losing himself
in reveries; (parallelism) the piles of golden clouds just
peering above the horizon, fancy them some fairy realms,
… rolling their silver-volumes, as if to die away on those
happy shores. (metaphor)
5 13 天気の良い日は船の高みに上がって海に泳ぐ
darting like a spectre, through the blue waters. … and of
the shapeless monsters that lurk among the very foundations
of the earth; and of those wild phantasms that swell the tales
of fishermen and sailors. (metaphor)
6 13 またある時は、地平線をよぎる船影を見つけて、
How interesting this fragment of a world, hastening to rejoin
the great mass of existence! What a glorious monument of
human invention; which has in a manner triumphed over
wind and wave; has established an interchange of blessings,
pouring into the sterile regions of the north all the luxuries
of the south; has diffused the light of knowledge and the
charities of cultivated life; and has thus bound together
those scattered portions of the human race, between which
nature seemed to have thrown an insurmountable barrier.
7 26 ある日、無人の漂流船(幽霊船)に出くわして
clusters of shell-fish had fastened about it, and long
seaweeds flaunted at its sides; What sighs have been
wafted after that ship! What prayers offered up at the
deserted fireside of home! How often has the mistress,
the wife, the mother, pored over the daily news, to catch
some casual intelligence of this rover of the deep!
8 10 幽霊船から海での嵐の怖さを思い知る。  
9 32 嵐の夜、船長から彼の経験した深い霧の中で
blowing a smacking breeze; the crashing wreck was sinking;
three half-naked wretches rushing from her cabin; to be
swallowed by the waves; heard their drowning cry mingling
with the wind; (… ing 緊迫感)
10 18 荒れ狂う夜の嵐の様子。 a fearful, sullen sound of rushing waves, and broken surges;
the wild waste of waters; the ship staggering and plunging
among these roaring caverns; (alliteration) Her yards would
dip into the water: her bow was almost buried beneath the
waves; (parallelism)
11 10 キャビンに戻って過す嵐の夜の不安。 whistling; funeral wailing; creaking; straining; groaning;
weltering; rushing; roaring; raging; floating prison; seeking
for his prey; the mere starting of a nail; the yawning of
a seam; (… ing の多用−緊張感)
12 7 一転、晴れて海が穏やかな日の船の快走
favoring breeze; gladdening influence of fine weather and
fair wind at sea; When the ship is decked out in all her
canvas, every sail swelled, and careening gayly over the
curling waves, how lofty, how gallant she appears - how
she seems to lord it over the deep!
13 3 空想は続くがそろそろ到着が近い。 fill a volume with the reveries -- (metaphor)
14 9 リバープールに入港。 the thrilling cry of "land!"; the delicious throng of sensations
which rush into an American's bosom when he first comes
in sight of Europe;
15 12 到着(着岸)の興奮。 the ships of war, that prowled like guardian giants along the
coasts; the headlands of Ireland, stretching out into the
channel; the Welsh mountains, towering into the clouds;
my eye dwelt with delight on neat cottages, with their trim
shrubberies and green grass plots; I saw the mouldering
ruin of an abbey overrun with ivy; and the tapering spire
of a village church rising from the brow of a neighboring hill;
16 13 波止場での出迎えの人たちと乗船客たち
21 航海中、重篤の病気に陥った水夫と彼を
a faint voice; only breathed a wish; leaning against the
shrouds; so wasted, so pale, so ghastly; … at the sound
of his voice, her eye darted on his features; it read,
at once, a whole volume of sorrow; she clasped her hands,
uttered a faint shriek, and stood writhing them in silent agony.
17 6 憧れの先祖の地に到着したが、出迎える